Boxwood Estate Winery

December 7, 2023. We felt it was high time to get back to our winery visits after taking a break over Thanksgiving. We drove out to Boxwood Estate Winery which has a Middleburg address but is just over the county line in Fauquier County. Approaching Boxwood from the south on Route 626 just outside of Halfway, you will pass the distinctive ochre-colored, white-columned manor house at Wavery. This was the site of Piedmont Winery, the first commercial winery in Virginia’s modern era. It is amazing that in just one generation we could move from dairy farm to nascent winery to, with Boxwood, a purpose-built modern winemaking facility encircled with extensive producing vines. So much more is in store for us in the Commonwealth. Boxwood Estate Winery is owned by John Kent Cooke, the former president of Washington’s professional football franchise. He appears to have brought together a stellar supporting cast to help establish his winery: Luc...