Star in the Valley Estate Winery

November 23, 2024. It takes just minutes to drive to Star in the Valley Estate Winery, northwest from the town of Strasburg in Shenandoah County. The grape vines were dormant when we passed through them up a steep hill; the air a seasonable Fall coolness, strong winds marshalling clouds through in their own Thanksgiving Day Parade overhead. The sun flashed around like a search light on the mountainsides illuminating the grey denuded trees holding onto their last colors. At an elevation of over 1300 feet, the tasting room and production building for Star in the Valley looks back at Signal Knob which is part of the mountain range that splits the Shenandoah River into its northern and southern forks. Star in the Valley Winery has its name from the glorious night viewing of the heavens made possible by the elevation and the undeveloped park land that surrounds the property. Owner and winemaker Shane Waller and wife Cara have their home and are r...