Molon Lave Vineyards and Winery

April 21, 2023. South of Warrenton off of Route 29 lies Molon Lave Vineyards, the younger sister to Mediterranean Cellars on the North side of town. Molon Lave is managed by Louizos Papadopoulos, son of the founders at Mediterranean. But this is a larger operation with 31 acres under vine of some 50 acres total. It has fewer wines on its menu, more recent vintages, and less blended wines than Mediterranean. Both wineries are 100% estate grown. Molon Lave takes its name from King Leonidas of Sparta who, when the Persians demanded they lay down their arms, replied “Molon Lave” or “Come and take them.” The battle of Thermopylae is also commemorated by the winery’s 480 B.C. Farm Brewery, which opened in 2020. (We won’t be reviewing 480 B.C. Brewery beyond noting that it features four beers including a Saison, a Belgian Golden, a Dopplebock, and an IPA style beer.) The tasting room and production facility is in a nondescript low-swung build...