Chateau O'Brien at Northpoint Winery and Vineyard

April 20, 2024. Chateau O’Brien sits at the top of a steep hill just off the Markham exit from Interstate 66 in Fauquier County. To get to the winery, be prepared to make a quick hairpin turn off of Old Markham Road (Route 688) onto a heavily-rutted 45%-incline gravel road across an unguarded railroad track. Shortly you will pass under the gate for the winery as you continue to climb through the vineyard. But the trip up the hill is worth it. Chateau O’Brien at Northpoint is the creation of Howard O’Brien who bought the site in 2002 and opened the winery in 2006. Instead of the typical Virginia red brick, Howard renovated a pale yellow farmhouse, accented by a rust colored roof as his winery. It appears to be have been built in terraces as part of the hillside. Entering the main doors, you come out of bright sunshine into a cool tile vestibule with tasting bars on either side. Straight ahead of you is a circular...