Muse Vineyards

October 21, 2022. It is not unusual for people we meet in our travels to recommend local wineries to us. On this trip, we met a winery person and a brewery person who independently told us we had to visit Muse Vineyards in Woodstock, Shenandoah County. When you get a recommendation from a competing winery, you need to take notice. So, we adjusted our itinerary to visit Muse. The vineyard is a short drive out of Woodstock, down a narrow gravel road and across a single lane bridge over the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Geese were bobbing for fish in the river. The approach seems to meander through the vineyards like the river itself, until the modern tasting room appears on a hill between the golden grape leaves. We agree with the advance notices - Muse Vineyards is a must see. Even though we were unannounced, Lauren and Hope on the tasting bar were very welcoming to us. And we had a great visit with co-owner, Sally Co...