Hello Gentle Readers - June 5, 2022

Hello Gentle Readers. We wanted to get back to the wine blog since we haven’t posted in a while. We have been through several medical events that have kept us housebound for more than a month. For those of you who know about our trials, thanks for you support. None of this has been COVID-related, thank God, and we hope that we are through the worst of it and soon. June and July should see us enjoying greater mobility and verve to get back to visiting Virginia wineries. It’s encouraging that Kim is driving again and we are planning our normal summer trip to the Charlottesville area. Being confined to the house has not been without some redeeming features. I’ve been able to do more reading in wine literature. Jamie Goode’s Guide to Wine: A Manifesto of Sorts (2020) was a wide-ranging survey of topics in more than 40 short essays, including “How to Succeed at Wine Writing by Writing Boring Articles.” I recognized th...