Paradise Springs Winery

December 9, 2022. On a crisp December morning, I made my way out to Paradise Springs Winery in Clifton, down curvy but fine roads that I know so well. In full disclosure, Kim and I are long-time members at Paradise Springs since the wine is good and it is close to our home. Paradise Springs is the closest winery to Washington, DC, and in 2010 became the first winery to open in Fairfax County. Its opening came after owners Jane Kinchloe and her son, Kirk Wiles, overcame a zoning challenge from the Fairfax Board of Supervisors and concerns from neighbors with heavy commercial traffic and drunk driving. The zoning dispute was largely resolved by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority in favor VABC licensing of Paradise as a farm winery taking precedence over local zoning. [See the Atmosphere page for further details.] Neighbor concerns with commercial traffic on the local roads and drunk driving also appear to have been resolved in t...