The Winery at Droumavalla Farm

August 26, 2022. Kim and I stopped by the new Winery at Droumavalla in Lucketts as the oppressively hot days of summer continued. The winery (I believe named after a town in County Kerry) is part of a large multi-purpose venue that seems to be focused on weddings and large events. Coming up the driveway, the left fork will take you to a “ginormous” wedding and dance venue. Take the right fork to the winery. Droumavalla Winery opened in April 2022 after owners Edward and Lisa Vaughn purchased the old Winery 32 and remade the tasting room. The tasting room is nicely appointed with plush sofas and a gas fireplace inside. The outdoor porch and patio overlook a pond and the vineyards. This may be a winery to come back to later as most of the wines now available appear to be left-over Winery 32 inventory and are so-labeled. Of the 27 wines listed on the winery webpage, only four are Droumavalla-labeled. The rest are from Win...