Stone Mountain Vineyards July 5, 2021

Stone Mountain Vineyards July 5, 2021 Stone Mountain Vineyards is perched on top of a mountain (Wyatt Mountain?) near the hamlet of Dyke, hard by Brokeback Mountain Road -believe it or not. This is one of the highest wineries in the State. To get here, you must traverse a single lane gravel mountain road with treacherous sheer drops on one side and wheel-eating ruts on the other. On our ascent, descending traffic had to back up the mountain to allow us to pass, the road was so narrow in places. Word of advice: Don’t use your GPS or WAZE to get here; those are unreliable in this area. Better get directions from a local, like we did from Ellen Moss. After that driving stress, the view from 1,700 feet is spectacular across the valley to Piney Mountain and the Southwestern Mountains in the distance. We strongly advise having a glass of wine to celebrate your arrival. The view is worth the trip. Jim and Deanna Gephart ...