Bleu Frog Vineyards

August 11, 2023. Just a couple of miles north of the town of Leesburg on Route 15, you will find Bleu Frog Vineyards. With a first harvest only in 2019, this is a fairly new operation owned by Joe and Jan Kernan who bought the property in 2016. Joe is a retired Navy SEAL frogman – thus the vineyard name – and the couple are active in Veterans affairs and animal rescue. The facilities have a fresh bright white and blue motif. The tasting room is small and mellow with wood beams. It was a little cramped with merch. But there is ample seating outside on porches opening from the tasting room or on lawns between the parking area and the tasting room. There are firepits for cooler months. There is also an open wood-beamed cupola pavilion a short walk back down the driveway. Children are welcome at Bleu Frog. There is a play area for them, and, if you are into merch, plenty of plush bl...