A Conversation with Dr. Mizuho Nita

[On July 27, 2023, I had an extended conversation with Dr. Mizuho Nita at the Virginia Tech Extension Center south of Winchester. I did not electronically record the conversation. This post is a paraphrase of the conversation using my notes of the visit, supplemented from public sources where indicated. A full listing of references is at the end of the piece. I have tried as much as possible to be faithful to what was said and the tone in which it was conveyed. We are thankful to Dr, Nita for his time and candor.] July 27, 2023. Here we are near the end of July 2023, what has turned out to be the hottest month in recorded history (see, Reuters). Rogue wildfires ravage Greece; two-thirds of all Americans are under heat advisories (see, NewsNation); coral reefs in the Florida Keys are bleaching to death in waters over 100 degrees (see, CNN), Canadian wildfires. The list goes on. It is clear that Global Warming is here. ...