Corkpullers - Killing Time in the Dead of Winter

January 23, 2025. Since early January, we have been relatively house-bound due to viruses we ping-ponged between us and due to a long stretch of stubborn Siberian weather that we have been unable to evict for weeks, like a bad renter. When we looked for some new wineries to visit, we found a number of them closed until Spring. As a measure of our house-boundedness, here’s a little survey about one of the most essential but humble tools in the enjoyment of wine – the cork puller . I am not a helixophile, but I have amassed a small collection of corkpullers over time – they are descendants of a proud history of necessity in and of themselves. Almost as soon as cider or wine or spirits began being stored in bottles and sealed with cork, generally in the 17 th Century, there was a need for an effective cork extractor. The earliest corkpullers were adapted from gun worms that were used to clean unspent gunpowder from artillery and muzzleloaders. ...